Friday, April 28, 2006

fine tuning

Sometimes when I watch my cat I envision the messages that cross his unmind as he sits in his cat stupor. He reacts to motions like when I drag a ball attached to a string across the living room rug in front of him. MOUSE! or FOOD? something akin to this must flash across the single synapse that his pecan sized brain allows him........On the other hand is the endless reams of paper that I skillfully used to try to decide whether or not to change insurance companies last week. More wires, more options, the result,( as my wife says ),is a paralysis ,( or since it involves electricity of sorts ), a short. The results are similar to the fine article that I just read. Lotsa "why" to contribute to the fine reading experience, but little appreciation of the "what" that is our enemy; understand them and their motivations or not. They aim to destroy us and we are in the midst of helping them to do it.


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