All the News In Fits
If you are like me you read a lotta blog. I search daily for stories that tell me there is a heroic side and like in a star wars episode........a dark side that is defeated by good at every turn. There is both good and evil in the world and we , in the west, are colored by our full disclosure and extended knowledge by the other guys point of view, that he is encouraged to present.
Not so the rest of the world. There is only one point of reference for the entire enchilada there. That which is spouted by the Oligarchs that run those lesser light countries of the world.
We, for instance know that the French are in trouble in multiple ways. ( The alternative media readers do anyway. the man on the street has often little clue).
They are in a civil war of sorts that threatens their very existance as a pain in our ass. They, like the rest of Europe have run their course. Like an old tree that seems to go to leafless from full of life and leaves in just a year or season or two have had their entire history covered by a Kudzu like vine that will strangle them like that weed would an immobile tree.
They have no defense. Some say that their violent past has eliminated their ability ,through a horrible guilt, to fight back. There is an overabundance of thin societal security in their midst.
No one needs to up the ante. No clouds are on their horizons., ( that they will admit to).
Their directionless leaders are too encapsulated by their arrogance to respond to the challange of the violent infection that has entered their weak bodies; an increased seemingly unassimilatable immigrant influx that is a ,(so far backfired), replacement of their aborted and non-existant new generations.
Will the last Frank out at least turn out the lights to welcome the 7th century apparatus that will replace them?
Here at home we are inundated by the soooo carefully chosen to incite sound bites that harken to our responses of the past to those same stimuli. We were once secure enough to allow the modification of our robust institutions of existance. We played right into the hands of those who once in power needed to do something. The unforseen consequenses of this new tier thinking is the dilema we now face. The minorities that once hid in closets and under the blush of polite society now ring us in their bold , undisguised attempt to destroy everything that we once cherished.
To quote,(I forgot where I read it),' Did you ever believe growing up that the Boy Scouts and the church would be the bad guys?' Now the act of growing up excludes both by a stunning silence to their exclusion form first to the lives rendered clueless parents that know something is wrong but appeal to someone else to resolve it.
Even I have been depressed or saddened by news that I hear over media outlets that somehow incriminates or indicts my heroes of the right. Often I am relieved when I read or translate the spin that proceeds any information I can acquire anywhere. Why should this be? Obviously we need to be informed of what happens in the world. Why can't I trust those whose job it has become to tell me honestly what those facts are. Most people ,unfortunately ,have only the pretty faces to listen to. Their information experience is from the leaflet-like news sites that pass just the bits that hearken to their best pal agenda.
Come on, don't you revulse when some "journalist" announces his intent to save you form some horrible malady or event; "at ten". You should! When did Walter the Informer turn into Walter yer best pal and saviour?
My solution? Vote! You still can. The unexpected attention of the population to their surroundings is the best defense against the changes that we see have consumed Europe. We have a chance to avoid the Socialism that kills and stifles. The Ol-Perfessor
Not so the rest of the world. There is only one point of reference for the entire enchilada there. That which is spouted by the Oligarchs that run those lesser light countries of the world.
We, for instance know that the French are in trouble in multiple ways. ( The alternative media readers do anyway. the man on the street has often little clue).
They are in a civil war of sorts that threatens their very existance as a pain in our ass. They, like the rest of Europe have run their course. Like an old tree that seems to go to leafless from full of life and leaves in just a year or season or two have had their entire history covered by a Kudzu like vine that will strangle them like that weed would an immobile tree.
They have no defense. Some say that their violent past has eliminated their ability ,through a horrible guilt, to fight back. There is an overabundance of thin societal security in their midst.
No one needs to up the ante. No clouds are on their horizons., ( that they will admit to).
Their directionless leaders are too encapsulated by their arrogance to respond to the challange of the violent infection that has entered their weak bodies; an increased seemingly unassimilatable immigrant influx that is a ,(so far backfired), replacement of their aborted and non-existant new generations.
Will the last Frank out at least turn out the lights to welcome the 7th century apparatus that will replace them?
Here at home we are inundated by the soooo carefully chosen to incite sound bites that harken to our responses of the past to those same stimuli. We were once secure enough to allow the modification of our robust institutions of existance. We played right into the hands of those who once in power needed to do something. The unforseen consequenses of this new tier thinking is the dilema we now face. The minorities that once hid in closets and under the blush of polite society now ring us in their bold , undisguised attempt to destroy everything that we once cherished.
To quote,(I forgot where I read it),' Did you ever believe growing up that the Boy Scouts and the church would be the bad guys?' Now the act of growing up excludes both by a stunning silence to their exclusion form first to the lives rendered clueless parents that know something is wrong but appeal to someone else to resolve it.
Even I have been depressed or saddened by news that I hear over media outlets that somehow incriminates or indicts my heroes of the right. Often I am relieved when I read or translate the spin that proceeds any information I can acquire anywhere. Why should this be? Obviously we need to be informed of what happens in the world. Why can't I trust those whose job it has become to tell me honestly what those facts are. Most people ,unfortunately ,have only the pretty faces to listen to. Their information experience is from the leaflet-like news sites that pass just the bits that hearken to their best pal agenda.
Come on, don't you revulse when some "journalist" announces his intent to save you form some horrible malady or event; "at ten". You should! When did Walter the Informer turn into Walter yer best pal and saviour?
My solution? Vote! You still can. The unexpected attention of the population to their surroundings is the best defense against the changes that we see have consumed Europe. We have a chance to avoid the Socialism that kills and stifles. The Ol-Perfessor
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