Saturday, January 06, 2007


Boy,(and girl)! Has things changed since 1980. (See, I had to PC style include the weaker other ,or one of five genders to quote Bella Abzug ,gender).
The show I stumbled upon was a highlight reel of the contributions of Eric Idle to the humor troupe we all owe so little to; Monty Python’s Flying Circus.
Much of what Eric considered his finest was to cross dress and become his mum in sketches. Watzo funny about that? The president of Harvard was castrated for less. All of the women in any of the routines are secretaries or semi-revealingly clad tarts, ( or both). What in the world is funny in England now, today? Would our irreverent, nee well educated and historically relevent satirists dress like jihadists and other mid-east crazies? Burka clad would John Cleese enter a cheeese shop and complain to the ownership about about parmesan and disrespect for his koran?
The whole hairdresser, falsetto, bad makeup, cross-dressing politico-professional is pretty much normative today....aint it?
The Eric Idle’s best show was double funny for me because it was on the self-proclaimed window to the world; WTTW in Chicago.
The next show I inadvertantly surfed to , coincidentally on a sister PBS station in Northwest Indiana, was a travelogue of Italy.......which as we all know is soon to be devoid of Italians entirely due to social pressures originating in the welfare state that is Europe. ( The model is what the barbarous, frightening Finns of the previous 2 centuries did to the resident raindeer population. There is a lot of raindeers but they is all very fat, slow and tame as rabbits. So, too now are the Vikings, ( a bad American football team), Sobieski's fearsome winged Knights ( now a weekend biker gang in Krakow.
You get the picture.
There is, to paraphrase, no one there there. But the funny is that in this travelogue you don't see any of this: burning cars, explosions on trains and buses and the rapes of attractive blond local women and internal pillaging by non-western yutes.
How would the cut-out animations handle this current malady of the displacement of society by its barbarous underbelly? (Invited in at its own well-meaning behest, by the by. The low European birth rate has forced the introduction of new consumers and propogators to keep the socialist-semi- capitalist economies in their preferred slightly above stagnancy for another fifty years or so until a new class of underclass and its attendant multitudinous offspring can pay outrageous taxes, assimilate into the hedonistic secular nirvana, and ergo to coddle this European generation to its secular and inevitable end.
The bad news for the EU is that it is not likely to happen. The new populations are so reactionary as to be well.....reactionary ! And.... even contrarian to the great socialist, slothful, decadent, condescending Shangri-La of EU creation: Let alone work to support it
They intend to destroy their hosts not emulate them. Those non-westerners.
Heady Python stuff there.....and more here (transcript from the Python website).
As the scene opens the coalminer son is met by his playwright father in the living room of their upper crust home. The father rails at his offspring about how power lunches and champagne are not good enough for you then you ungrateful sort.
Mum Oh dad... look who's come to see us... it's our Ken.
Dad (without looking up) Aye, and about bloody time if you ask me.
Ken Aren't you pleased to see me, father?
Mum (squeezing his arm reassuringly) Of course he's pleased to see you, Ken, he...
Dad All right, woman, all right I've got a tongue in my head - I'll do 'talkin'. (looks at Ken distastefully) Aye ... I like yer fancy suit. Is that what they're wearing up in Yorkshire now?
Ken It's just an ordinary suit, father... it's all I've got apart from the overalls.
Dad turns away with an expression of scornful disgust.
Mum How are you liking it down the mine, Ken?
Ken Oh it's not too bad, mum... we're using some new tungsten carbide drills for the preliminary coal-face scouring operations.
Mum Oh that sounds nice, dear...
Dad Tungsten carbide drills! What the bloody hell's tungsten carbide drills?
Ken It's something they use in coal-mining, father.
Dad (mimicking) 'It's something they use in coal-mining, father'. You're all bloody fancy talk since you left London.
Ken Oh not that again.
Mum He's had a hard day dear... his new play opens at the National Theatre tomorrow.

The son critiques in the basest way his father's way of life as a rich powerful type and the two cannot reconsile. Terry Jones played the wife/mom torn between the two loves of her life as they cannot ever equate their divergant propensities. Suddenly the double breasted suit clad father grabs at his right arm in an apparent attack of the son-me sort and clutching at his chest he collapses into a chair.
“Its his writer’s cramp “the Terry Jones mom warbles
This , I believe was the end of the sketch.
Europes invited guests and their subsequent offspring did become less than playwrights and won't prop up the socialist governments. ( We, on the other hand, are somewhat luckier. The “guests” we are repopulating with to prop up our expanding economy ;as replacements for the fashionably murdered children of this the patrician aborters generation are Judeo-Christian in origin and therefore more open to welfare, and the jobs we “won’t do. )
Wither Europe, would that not be a cool stage name for the Pythonesque revue planned by the nose tweakers of today for the noses of tomorrow?