Thursday, February 08, 2007


When the monkey threw the bone up in the air in "2001", he was not a Democrat. The only way he could have been mistaken for one would be to wave his arm up toward the sky and not release, ( as a gesture to their outre' base),, stop someone else from throwing it because it would have been too insensitive to the needs of our enemies , or taxable as excess profit
Recent examples of this line of reasoning would be wafflin' John Kerry who gestured toward support of war when the public was thought to overwhelmingly support it, but pulled that arm down at the noise the nutballs flailing on the internet were making,( against the possibility that it would take as long to win as had been originally forecast or even could be won)
The Michigan congressman that refused to consider openly hostile Hezbolla a terrorist organization because of the Arabic population that is in his district and Hill, of Hill and Billy fame who vowed to withdraw troops if she wins no matter what is going on in the world,( This is so purely political or totally irresponsible as to be traitorous. How can you say at this distance that you will extricate an army from a war on a timetable without endangering both the army and your country? If it is purely political, as I suspect that it is, is it any less undesirable in a potential leader?), Wants to tax oil companies for making a big profit. Will she reimburse them if oil prices then go down and they either lose money or don't make as much? Are they overcharging us really? What about Boeing? Google? Yahoo? Apple? Aren't they starting to make a few bucks here and there ? Are they next? Is the company you work for next if they find a way to make more money?
The Democrat has always been with us unfortunately. He is the Roman that supplied the circus that helped raid the country's treasury, led the people therein to feel that security was their privilidge rather than their synchronous duty, and led to their ultimate ruin at the hands of barbarous, multitudinous hordes that hated and envied them for being "Them".
Where do you see yourself today? Of course civilizations run their course, but at least the English and even the French recognized that they had to fight to keep their freedom. We curse our very own existence,( There are inumerable entries in the hate America catagory penned by her undeserving citizens. There is a chat room at that is entitled "Hate America", praise our enemies, ( Hollywood loves to extoll Marxism, socialism, Castro, the French, fill in the blank with your own pet leftist massacerer of his own people thank you), damn our bravest, ( This on e really sickens me. Think of Senator Durbin of Illinois calling our troops Naziz, Pol Pot-like. Think of John Kerry with his indictment of American troops in the Vietnam era and later in his innocent "joke". Ted the new masters of the torture chambers are the Americans Kennedy) resist the will to win, ( Can you name a positive take on a complicated situation fought by a volunteer army short of mil blogs?) vote our whims instead of our best interests,( WTH were most of you people thinking? Can you name a positive accomplishment by any Democrat since the 60's? All of Jimmy Carter, Bill under the desk with the fat girl, Lyndon and the gulf of Tonkin?) and we watch American Idol., ( like watching COPS we are at least better off than the poor beggars on the screen)...... when the true Idol is the Media itself and Andy Warhols 15 minutes, now reduced to less than a minute of fame, we all yearn for and cherish. The chance to get on network TV has made individuals in our country and in not far from medieval Japan commit acts in the public domain that would have shamed themselves and their families to ritual suicide not so long ago).
In both Orwellian and Darwinian fashion we are hated by the world we seek to export our ,(lack), of values to. In an endless barage of ill will America is enjoined by our totalitarianist, torturing, corrupt,underlings, to heights of idiotic pseudo-ethical mindboggling contortions of self-disrespect and gyrations because like the dog that licks himself; they can. ( Ergo the UN, with their sexual predators in their peacekeepping forces, their election of sadistic regimes to human rights committees, Their condemnation of our sanctions on Iraq when their topmost hierarchy profited on the moneys earmarked for food and medicine for that country., seeks to condemn our holding enemy caught on battlefields.
There is no precedent for America.; her greatness, opportunity, or generosity. Whither art thou Republicans? Other than Ronald Reagan a man who believed in America with all his soul and could express it, and George W. Bush who believes as much but sadly cannot express it well enough for a liberal media bent on his ultimate repudiation ten;
Whither art thou saviors?
In the midst of a war that has fronts in; Iraq, Afghanistan, the Phillipines, Darfur, Somalia, England, France, Italy, Spain, Indonesia, Pakistan, Denmark, Lebanon, Israel, Palestine
literally, every where in the world where there is strife there is Islam!
Yet we vilify our own leaders for naming that enemy, condemn them for their temerity to fight them and resist the measures that they take to protect us from them..( Its a free speech nation. As long as you are not a Christian, Boy Scout,(Did you ever think that the church and the scouts would ever be the bad guys? ), large successful business, or non-Democrat homosexual. ( One that I can think of is still in congress and ran a "escort service" out of his congressional office......I once read online) News and TV routinely and often condemn GW for his conduct of a war that they only portray in an overwhelmingly negative manner and then have absolutely nothing to say that could be construed as productive in his policies stead. In fact there are instances where classified information is leaked to an eager leftist press that aids our enemies in eluding capture and performing their despicable deeds We have members of the Senate, and House in our own country that feel they can put their own personal advancement and enrichment over the security and future of the country that they are sworn to their Creator to protect.
" What is it the gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Patrick Henry
We are openly,( and as often clandestinely as in the case of Saudi support of radical Islam in their churches and in their schools) warred upon by individuals that we support and have protected from harm . would Rome have allowed a nation of Carthage to war upon her unimpeded? Did President Jefferson not build a navy rather than pay tribute to Islamic Barbary pirates! Which of your leaders would do the same today? Ask yourself that question before you vote for the next president. We will need that type of iron will in a leader.
Would Rome have fought back half-heartedly to avoid the emnity of those that instigated the conflict? Why should our troops be held back by impossible rules of engagement?
Those that openly state their intent to murder innocents around the world ? Iran's leaders have broken international law since their republics inception. Their ceasing our embassy was an act of war and should have been treated as such.
Those that understand only power. Ceasar and one legion conquered Rome. That same Ceasars audacity restored a teenaged cleopatra to her throne over her younger brothers backers.
Audace, Audace toujour Audace. George Patton.
You don't want to die for your country you want the other poor bastard to die for his country
George Patton
Our arrows will darken the sky said the Persian commander "Then we will fight in the shade" replied Leonidas
Walk softly and Carry a Big Stick. Theodore Roosevelt
We shall bear any burden, Fight any enemy, JFK (A teriffic speaker )
TR overthrew the government of Morocco with a company of Marines!
Millions for Defense but not one cent for tribute! ( I forgot who said that).
Our enemies at least understand that in war to quote John McCain " You win or you lose there is no in between".
Where is the common sense born of a moral compass.? Where is the moral compass to come from in a nation that splits hairs endlessly lest they offend in their dealings with other countries that insist they are our friends but that act and actions speak louder than words are not.
We hear from the supposed right wing of our nation that there is no rational argument against gay marriage. There is the teaching of a benevolent Creator that observed what that sort of decay does to society. We see these, unashamed of their will to destroy society, not asking for help but under the guise of those values that have sustained man since the time of that aforementioned monkey assuring the gullible and neurotic that are unsure of their faith that they are equal in their love of family and God. They resist the notion that they are wrong and can be changed. Evidence of those that try and have changed their stripe in this matter is suppressed. The idea that sheep under hormoned can be treated by veteranarians offends them! how can this not extend to them. (The story is that the ranchers dont want underperforming Rams. There fore the vets can find that gene spot it and eliminate that ram just as now parents with the ultimate choice can end the life of a child for any other reason will be able to end that life if they choose as well. I guess that the world is round after all
They only want the love and security of family They are persecuted for their (lack) of belief. . Have you seen the product of this line of reasoning at its word in your universities? Where to be hetero-normative is to be outcast. Where their own are eaten by stating what has been obvious to men from time immemorial Ask Larry. There was a study on the diseases born of homosexual behavior that I read online. The practice reduces life expectancy in its practitioners to around the forty year level. There is no record of a majority needing to be married for men and women engaged in that most modern of heresies for theirs is a mostly anonymous and promiscuous lot that seeks no permanence or legacy. ( What are glory holes, the new strain of untreatable AIDS in Seattle, What is AIDS for that matter; but a homosexual disease. There is now a law in Texas making a vaccination for hpv mandatory in all young girls. The state's mere minor control exerted wherein the parents are circumvented has resulted in this ; a need for a cervical cancer vaccination in all the young girls of an entire state!
Where are we to be lead to next?